A urinary tract infection or UTI is a fairly common infection, especially when it comes to women.
Such infections are associated with increased urinary discomfort, but depending on the severity of the infection, the discomfort may persist, accompanied by an intense sensation of itching or stinging.
Sex is one of the many factors that can increase the likelihood of developing a UTI. However, numerous prevention methods can be used to avoid it.
Given the frequency with which such infections occur in women's lives, there is nothing shameful about having one. In fact, according to a 2013 study conducted by the National Library of Medicine, more than 50% of all women will experience UTI at some point in their lives.
Causes That Can Lead to UTIs
A UTI is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. In most cases, the infection is easily treated with antibiotics. Still, if it is ignored, the infection from the urinary tract can spread to the bladder or kidneys, causing much more serious problems.
UTIs occur when bacteria, most commonly E-coli, enter the urethra. Bacteria usually comes from your anus or someone else's hands. UTIs are not transmitted sexually and are not contagious. But this doesn't mean that they can be caused by sex.
Because the urethra and anus are so close together, UTIs are more common in women. Bacteria are frequently introduced to the urinary tract through vaginal penetration by a penis, finger, or sex toy.
Although sex is the most common cause of urinary infections, several other factors can contribute to such discomfort.
Other common causes are:
- blockages in the urinary tract, such as kidney stones;
- the use of urinary catheters;
- frequent use of antibiotics, which can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the urinary tract;
- whipping from back to front.
UTIs Symptoms
UTIs are infections that can be detected in as little as two trips to the bathroom. Although the discomfort can be excruciating, the frequency with which these infections occur has led women to even ignore them.
❗ However, it is recommended that you do not ignore the signals that your body sends you, and if the symptoms listed here appear, you should consult a doctor to get the medication you need.
Here are the most commons symptoms of UTIs:
- a burning or painful sensation in or near the urethra, especially when you pee;
- a frequent urge to urinate;
- the sensation that you can't get the last drop of pee out;
- pelvic pain;
- blood in the urine;
- abnormal urine that may smell or appear cloudy;
- fever.
As you can see, certain symptoms are more severe than others and may indicate that the infection is progressing dangerously. But, most of the time, women with UTIs struggle with urinating discomfort and an unnaturally high number of bathroom visits.
Can You Get a UTI From Oral Sex?
Despite the common misconception that only penetrative sex can cause urinary infections due to the friction and irritation that might happen in the genital area, oral sex can also result in such infections.
Because of the proximity of the anus and the urethra, oral sex can cause UTIs in the same way that sex toys can if not properly cleaned. In terms of spreading bacteria and pushing it into the urethra, a tongue is as effective as a finger, vibrator, or someone else's sexual organ.
However, there are steps you can take to avoid such infections, regardless of the source. Essentially, the prevention rules are linked to hygiene.
Prevention, Sex, Prevention
Despite their prevalence, UTIs are easily avoided by complying with basic hygiene guidelines.
After all, prevention is the best way to achieve optimal intimate health and eliminate any potential discomfort.
First, before having sex, you and your partner must both ensure that you are clean. You can even take a shower together, which will not only help to prevent infection but will also serve as excellent foreplay.
Second, it is important to clean your intimate area after each sexual intercourse, whether it is penetrative sex, oral sex, or simply playing with sex toys. Moreover, it is also essential to ALWAYS pee after. This helps to clean the urinary tract of any bacteria that may have entered during sex.
Last but not least, stay hydrated. The more you drink, the more you pee, and urinating can help in the removal of bacteria from the urethra. Also, go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge, so bacteria don't accumulate in your urinary tract.
Are UTIs Contagious?

UTIs are not contagious or sexually transmitted. As a result, it is often unnecessary for most sexual partners of someone with a UTI to seek treatment.
On the other hand, doctors usually advise against having sex until the infection has completely cleared up. That’s because sexual activity or penetration during a UTI can worsen the condition and delay the healing process.
A UTI can also cause irritation to the urethral opening of the penis and can lead to pain and discomfort during sex. It is best to avoid sex completely until your UTI has cleared up. Besides that, these infections can also have an effect on the libido.
It is also important to note that having oral sex while suffering from a UTI may spread bacteria from the penis or vagina to the mouth and this can lead to a secondary infection.
Wrapping Up!
UTIs are very common infections, especially in women's lives, and while they can cause a lot of pain, they usually heal on their own, though they may require antibiotics at times.
Sex, whether penetrative or oral, remains the most common cause of these infections. Besides this, if you have a UTI, you should avoid having sex until the infection is completely gone.